
If you are logged into the 'Owner' account for your organisation on www.talentappstore.com then you can create a tenant (if you are not sure, please review this article About tenants) for one instance of an ecosystem.  The tenant you create can then have whatever apps installed that are required for the ecosystem (and those apps are linked together so that they share data between themselves).

Creating a tenant

When logged into the Talent App Store:

  1. Navigate to the 'My account' page of the Talent App Store (www.talentappstore.com/account).
  2. If you:
    1. Have not yet created a tenant, you will only see a link to create a tenant:

    2. Already have one or more tenants, a list of the tenants will appear and the 'CREATE TENANT' button will appear at the bottom of the list:

  3. Click on the create a tenant link or 'CREATE TENANT' button.
  4. The create a tenant form will appear, please complete this form as described in the following steps:
  5. Name:  This is a required field.  Please provide an appropriate name for your site. This name is used by Talent App Store and various apps (when installed) so it's important that it be the similar, or the same as, the main system being used in the tenant.  Some examples of when this name might be seen are:
    1. When people are signing in to an app/system in your ecosystem via the Talent App Store identity selection panel (Users, Candidates and Agency).  The name (and logo - refer below) appear at the top of the identity selection panel.
    2. When an app calls the tenant name in a system message.  For example; 'Tenant name' thanks you for your application!
  6. Short Code: This is a required field.  Please provide an alphanumeric short code for your tenant following the instructions on the form - please note that hyphens and other special characters are not allowed.  The code must be unique across all Talent App Store clients / tenants, not just to you, so you may be told that the tenant short code you have entered is not available - please try a different code.  Please note that this is the only field in the Tenant creation process which cannot be edited later.
  7. Logo:  You have the option to attach a logo for your tenant, if added this logo will appear above your tenant name on the identity selection panel.  It will also appear after people have provided their sign in credentials and the sign in process is being completed.  If you do not provide a logo, the Talent App Store logo will appear.  Your logo file must be a .PNG file, and must have a file size of less than 1MG.
  8. Type:  There are two tenant types which are shared with apps in the Talent App Store (described below).  Each app determines what to do with the 'type' information.  The form will default to 'PRODUCTION', our recommendation is that all tenants which are not intended for public use be marked as sandbox:
    1. PRODUCTION - A production tenant would most likely be able to read and write information in a given app.
    2. SANDBOX - A sandbox tenant would most likely be able to pull information but not save information in a given app.
  9. Internal IP CIDR (Classless inter-domain routing - this is a set of Internet protocol standards that are used to create unique identifiers for networks and individual devices):  This field is used to determine IP addresses which will be classified as internal to the tenant.  Please add any relevant IP addresses following the instructions on the form (noting that CIDR values can only consist of numbers, full stops, and forward slashes - this strict validation is to prevent the possibility of entering an incorrect CIDR value which could prevent candidates as being marked as internal).
  10. Privacy Policy:  When users are signing up/in to apps/systems within your tenant, privacy policy information is displayed.  By default the tenant will use the Talent App Store privacy policy only, this is reflected in the first option being selected when you enter this form. 
    1. Either use the default privacy policy:
      The text which appears to users is:  Signing in means you're OK with our terms and privacy policy.

    2. OR choose 'Add privacy policy as URL' option to add your organisations privacy policy by providing the URL at which it is published.  Your policy will be made available in addition to the Talent App Store privacy policy:
      The text which appears to all people (i.e. principle types of 'Agency', 'Candidate' and 'Users') is "Signing in means you're OK with XXX's privacy policy and Talent App Store's terms and privacy policy.", where XXX is your tenant name.

      TIP:  When you return to the Edit Tenant form, the current privacy policy URL will be displayed directly above the privacy selections.

  11. When you have completed all of the required information, click the 'CREATE TENANT' button to create your tenant.