
This article describes how to setup your organizations identity in Microsoft.  Once setup, you can use the 'Application ID' and 'App secret' information to configure the 'Sign in with Microsoft' app available from the Talent App Store.  

Before you start

To complete this process you will need:

  1. A Microsoft account (e.g. @live.com)
  2. The logo for your app - for Microsoft this must be a transparent 48 x 48 or 50 x 50 pixel image in a GIF, PNG or JPEG file that is 15 KB or smaller.

Setup steps

  1. Login to your Microsoft account.
  2. Go to https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/#/appList to see your applications:
  3. Click the 'Add an app' button or click on the name of an existing app.  If a new app, provide a name for the app
  4. The app details screen will appear:

  5. Under heading Properties you will see the app name, and then the Application ID.  This is the app ID you will need to configure the Sign in with Microsoft app.
  6. Under the heading Application Secrets is the secret info.  The secret password information is what you will need to configure the Sign in with Microsoft app.  Click on the 'Generate New Password' button. The secret password for your app will be displayed - this is the only time it will be displayed (unless you create a new password) so copy it and store it securely:

  7. Under the heading Platforms:
    1. Click the 'Add Platform' button.
    2. Click Web.
    3. In the 'Redirect URLs" field enter the URL https://is.talentappstore.com/commonauth

  8. Under the heading Profile:
    1. Upload the logo for your app.
    2. Add the URL for your terms of service.
    3. Add the URL for your privacy statement.
  9. Click the Save button.